Ерөнхий чиг үүрэг болон зорилго: Гүний уурхайн малталт нэвтрэлт, бэхэлгээ, барилгын үйл ажиллагаанд компанийн тогтоосон стандарт, дүрэм журмын дагуу геотехникийн хөтөлбөрийн хэрэгжилтэнд хяналт тавьж ажиллах, мэдээлэл цуглуулах (мөргөцөгийн зураглал, бэхэлгээний боолт татах тест, лазер сканер), тухайн ажил гүйцэтгэлтэй холбогдох баримт бичгийг боловсруулж бүрдүүлэх, инженерчлэлийн дэмжлэг үзүүлэх үүрэгтэй байна.
ХХХ хариуцсан ажилтан нь өдөр тутмын ХХХ-ны захиалгыг боловсруулж, агуулахаас авч, Даян компанийн бүх ажилчдад түгээх үндсэн үүрэгтэй.
Байршил: Оюу Толгой дахь гүний уурхайн талбар Ерөнхий үүрэг: Барилгын ажлын үед бетоны хэв хашмалыг стандарт журмын дагуу суурилуулж бэхлэх, засч засварлах ажил голчлон гүйцэтгэнэ. Уурхайн барилгын өөр бусад ажлуудад ахлах ажилтны удирдамжийн дагуу шууд оролцож ажиллана.
Job summary: To develop professional training documents including standard work procedures and training packages (equipment or task based) with relevance to site, to enable operators to succinctly understand how to complete the task safely and without incident. In developing training documents, the technical writer will consult with all relevant stakeholders, conduct specific task observations and participate in risk assessment discussions in order to adapt the document content to the workforce learning style. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The duties and responsibilities include but not limited to the following: General: Standard Work Procedure Development: In line with stakeholder consultation, industry practice, Australian Qualification Framework Standards and the Dayan SWP Development Management Plan 2020, develop standard work procedures for operators to utilize as part of the relevant Dayan underground contracts. Ensure the development of the standard work procedures are according to the technical requirement and quality expectation of the client. Always retain emphasis on the importance of ensuring that operators who will be utilizing the standard work procedure understand the task, the risk profile of the task and will be able to safely conduct the task successfully. Training Package Development: In line with stakeholder consultation, industry practice and Australian Standards, develop training packages (equipment or task based) for operators to utilize as part of the relevant Dayan underground contracts. Ensure the development of the training packages are according to the technical requirement and quality expectation of the client. Always retain emphasis on the importance of ensuring that operators who will be utilizing the training packages, understand the task and the risk profile of the task and will be able to safely conduct the task successfully. Other: Maintain consistent and up-to-date record keeping of the progress and status of training documents in development, and report to the Senior Technical Writer/ Senior Surface Training Coordinator Conduct in-field task observations (underground or surface as required) as part of the training document development process Participate in risk assessment discussions and SWP review meetings Attend and actively participate in all Training Document Team meetings and relevant training meetings Attend all pre-requisite training for the position.