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Захиргаа, хүний нөөцийн менежер

Компанийн бодлого, стратеги төлөвлөлттэй уялдуулан Хүний нөөцийн стратеги боловсруулах, бодлого тодорхойлох, оновчтой менежментийг хэрэгжүүлэх Хүний нөөцийн бүрдүүлэлт, сонгон шалгаруулалт хийх Хөдөлмөрийн харилцааны баримт бичиг боловсруулах, хөтлөх Сургалт, хурал, олон нийтийн ажил зохион байгуулах Ажлын гүйцэтгэлийн үнэлгээ, сургалт, хөгжлийн стратеги боловсруулах, хэрэгжүүлэх Дүрэм журам боловсруулах, мөрдүүлэх, хэрэгжилтэд хяналт тавих, холбогдох тайлан, төлөвлөгөө гаргах, баримт бичгийн бүртгэл хөтлөлт хийх Захиргааны баримт бичиг боловсруулах, бүртгэж хөтлөх Компанийн өдөр тутмын үйл ажиллагааг хэвийн явуулахад дэмжлэг үзүүлэх Захиргаа, оффисийн үйл ажиллагааг удирдан, зохион байгуулах Байгууллагын үйл ажиллагаатай холбоотой бусад чиг үүргийг хэрэгжүүлэх

Electrical Inspector

Review design, specification, and other contract documents; Conduct visual inspections to identify defects, irregularities, and deviations from design, and specifications and promptly address any issues found; Document inspection results and generate detailed reports, highlighting findings, deviations, and recommendations for improvement; Analyze related technical issues and develop solutions to resolve them; Gather and assess project requirements; Ensure that the final product meets specification and compliance requirements; Develop and maintain procedures for inspection, testing, and performance evaluation for electrical components and ensure integration in the full systems; Support the PMC team and Contractors to clarify related technical issues and provide a response to the Contractor’s RFCs; Support the PMC team by providing input to respond to the Contractor’s claim as applicable; Assess and evaluate the project schedule for electrical works completeness, duration and level of resources proposed; Be proactive, motivated, and able to learn new engineering methodologies quickly; Be able to work and interact effectively with a multicultural team; Developing reports and documentation as needed. Attend witness and site acceptance testing of major equipment and key components. Participate in meetings to provide insights and feedback related to quality control, and process improvements. Support technical and state commissioning of the works. Support Resident Engineer/Project Manager with the local compliance of construction norms and building codes. Perform third-party and performance tests such as pressure and NDTs.Review method statements and other methodologies proposed by the contractor. Perform daily inspections according to the QA/QC procedures.

Health and Safety Inspector

Certified Safety Professional preferred; At least 4 years of experience as a Safety Inspector or similar role; Detailed knowledge of ISO 45001; Knowledge of H&S regulations, laws; Excellent knowledge of potentially hazardous materials or practices; Excellent knowledge of legislation and procedures; Understand that “Safety is an important element of marketing.” Familiar with the law and regulations regarding health and safety. Ability to communicate effectively with audiences that include but are limited to management, coworkers, clients, vendors, and contractors with adequate technical knowledge with excellent verbal and written communication skills in English necessary to complete the job; Intermediate computer and software skills to include the use of word processing, the internet and email as well as the intermediate use of spreadsheets and electronic presentations; Strong analytical skills with demonstrated problem-solving ability; Good team player.

Mechanical Inspector

Review design, specification, and other contract documents; Conduct visual inspections to identify defects, irregularities, and deviations from design, specifications and promptly address any issues found. Document inspection results and generate detailed reports, highlighting findings, deviations and recommendations for improvement. Analyze related technical issues and develop solutions to resolve them; Gather and assess project requirements; Ensure that the final product meets specification and compliance requirements; Develop and maintain procedures for inspection, testing, and performance evaluation for mechanical components and ensure integration in the full systems; Support the PMC team and Contractors to clarify related technical issues and provide a response to the Contractor’s RFCs; Support the PMC team by providing input to respond to the Contractor’s claim as applicable; Assess and evaluate the project schedule for mechanical works completeness, duration and level of resources proposed; Special experience in piping construction and testing (including auxiliaries and ancillaries); Conduct occasional visits to the construction sites, attend project meetings and provide inputs and updates to any stakeholder as required or as instructed by the project managers Be proactive, motivated, and able to learn new engineering methodologies quickly; Be able to work and interact effectively with a multicultural team; Developing reports and documentation as needed. Attend witness and site acceptance testing of major equipment and key components. Participate in meetings to provide insights and feedback

Civil Inspector

Reviews, reports and ensures completeness of contractor submittals; Maintains records of inspection work; Undertake all site supervision and inspections when required or instructed by the Resident Engineer or the Project Manager; Collects data on field performance and reports it to higher management; Engage in collective activities initiated by the team members with the same level of position; Assisting Resident Engineer with technical support; Carry out daily inspections of all utility work and sign off the relevant part of the contractor’s RFI’s in a timely manner;

SCADA Inspector/ Chief Electrical Engineer

Review design, specification, and other contract documents; Conduct visual inspections to identify defects, irregularities, and deviations from design and specifications and promptly address any issues found; Overseeing the installation and commissioning of SCADA systems, ensuring they meet specifications and function properly Monitoring system performance, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing optimization strategies to enhance efficiency and reliability Document inspection results and generate detailed reports, highlighting findings, deviations, and recommendations for improvement; Analyze related technical issues and develop solutions to resolve them; Gather and assess project requirements; Ensure that the final product meets specification and compliance requirements; Develop and maintain procedures for inspection, testing, and performance evaluation for electrical components and ensure integration in the full systems; Support the PMC team and Contractors to clarify related technical issues and provide a response to the Contractor’s RFCs; Support the PMC team by providing input to respond to the Contractor’s claim as applicable; Assess and evaluate the project schedule for electrical works completeness, duration and level of resources proposed; Be proactive, motivated, and able to learn new engineering methodologies quickly; Be able to work and interact effectively with a multicultural team; Developing reports and documentation as needed. Attend witness and site acceptance testing of major equipment and key components. Participate in meetings to provide insights and feedback related to quality control, and process improvements. Support technical and state commissioning of the works. Support Resident Engineer/Project Manager with the local compliance of construction norms and building codes. Perform third-party and performance tests such as pressure and NDTs.Review method statements and other methodologies proposed by the contractor. Perform daily inspections according to the QA/QC procedures.

Холбоо барих

Монгол улс, Улаанбаатар хот, Баянзүрх дүүрэг, БЗД, 14-р хороо, Намяанжүгийн гудамж 4/1 Монконсалт ХХК байр

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