Дизель хөдөлгүүрийн засварын сургалтад сууж, үйлдвэрийн байранд дагалдан ажиллана. Кареерийн зорилгоос хамааран өөр ажлын байранд хөрвөн ажиллах боломжтой
Харилцагчийн уурхайн сайтад ажиллаж байгаа Камминс брэндийн хөдөлгүүрүүдийн хэвийн, найдвартай ажиллагааг хангуулж ажиллах зорилгын хүрээнд: Хөдөлгүүрийн өдөр тутмын гүйцэтгэлд хяналт тавих Шаардлагатай засвар, үйлчилгээг тогтмол хийх Оношлох Харилцагч байгууллагатай болон төв оффистой тогтмол харилцах Байгууллагаас тогтмол зохион байгуулдаг хөдөлгүүрүүдийн сургалтуудад хамрагдаж, мэргэжил мэдлэгээ тогтмол сайжруулж, албан ёсны сертификаттай төгсөх
Compiles budgetary quotes for simple jobs by gathering technical data, customer presentations, lead time and others for customer facing sales force Receives and processes orders, issues order acknowledgements, invoices and shipping notices for simple jobs Assists in resolving of customer issues (including shipment and after sale) Actively supports all branch personnel in the sale of products to retail customers
Job Summary: Provides support on health, safety, environmental, and facility related matters to production and construction phases and site personnel under the guidance of the site HSE leader. Assists in the implementation, analysis, review and sustainability of HSE Management Systems. Key Responsibilities: Plan Maintains skills and knowledge required to perform job duties. Determine gaps within corporate health and safety initiatives and local health and safety policies, procedures and regulatory requirements. Build an understanding of and applies HSE culture ensuring it is integral to processes. Maintain confidentiality and appropriate recordkeeping standards in line with corporate data protection and retention requirements. Do Stop work and immediately report any major injury hazards. Report any work-related injury, illness, incident or hazard through internal reporting processes and provide guidance to the site on internal reporting. Support the implementation and maintenance of hazard identification, incident investigation and risk assessment processes, including delivery of training. Support closure of corrective and preventive actions. Communicate effectively to create safety awareness. Perform administrative tasks as required. Check Participate in health and safety inspection and audit programs. Actively participate and lead incident investigation and reporting. Assist in the analysis of safety related trends. Act Maintain local health and safety policies, procedures and regulatory requirements. Support health, safety and wellness initiatives. Support implementation and maintenance of Emergency Response processes including delivery of training. Participate in local employee engagement initiatives to drive an interdependent culture. Quality Follows all applicable standard work, process documentation and quality procedures. Raises issues to minimize cost and quality exposures. Performs quality checks. Identifies and controls non-conforming material. Teamwork Communicates effectively with the assigned team and with all support teams. Completes training and personal development in line with business requirements. Participates actively in ways to improve quality, safety, process, material flow, and employee development
Overall responsibility for Recruit and Selection processes Onboard new hires Maintain employee records, including staff files, HRIS data, and other HR documentation (Timesheet, Leave records, overtime ) Employee Relations (queries and administration tasks related to employees’ complains and grievances, medical insurances, terminations etc.) Developing and implementing employee training & development programs. This includes orientation programs, skills development training and workshops, leadership training, coaching, Apprentice program and more. Visa & work permit liaising with local authorities