A luxury retreat, with theopening scheduled at the end of 2023, the AyanZalaat Hotel & Spais expected to become the hotel of reference inUlaanbaatarand the country, a real "Unique Urban Oasis" just 6 km away from the city center.
Allrooms and suiteswill be large, withbespoke Italian furnishingsmade by expert craftsmen with a contemporary design, using fine materials and fabrics with extreme attention to every detail.
The hotel has a veryprivileged positionwithin itsprivate area of 32,000 acres, surrounded by a beautiful park designed and built using only local plants and trees, respecting the shapes and naturalness of the landscape.
1. Аялал жуулчлал, зочид буудал, нийтийн хоолны үйлчилгээ